Archive for November, 2014

Blasteroids v1.141122.10 Released

Blasteroids has been updated on as well as the Google Play Store. This release fixed a lot of major problems such as crash bugs that occurred on Android Lollipop, as well […]

cInput 2.7.8 Released

Greetings! An update to cInput has been submitted to the Asset Store and the cInput website. If you bought cInput from the Asset Store then the update should be available within a few […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.141107.17 Released

Be Tiny, World! has been updated. This is a relatively minor update. I noticed there was a grammatical error in one of the recent death tweets, so I decided to […]

Blasteroids v1.141104.9 Released

Blasteroids has been updated on as well as the Google Play Store. This release should make the game less frustrating and feel more fair, as it is now much […]