Posts Tagged ‘2021’

Top Ten 2020

Top Ten Games I Played in 2020 – #2 and #1

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single huge post […]

Top Ten 2020

Top Ten Games I Played in 2020 – #4 and #3

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single huge post […]

Top Ten 2020

Top Ten Games I Played in 2020 – #6 and #5

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single […]

Top Ten 2020

Top 10 Games I Played in 2020 – #8 and #7

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single […]

Top Ten 2020

Top 10 Games I Played in 2020 – #10 and #9

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single […]

Games Played in 2020

Last year I did a recap of the top ten games I played in 2019, and because verbosity is something that comes naturally to me, it was a very long […]