Posts Tagged ‘Steam’

Top Ten 2020

Top Ten Games I Played in 2020 – #2 and #1

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single huge post […]

Top Ten 2020

Top Ten Games I Played in 2020 – #4 and #3

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single huge post […]

Top Ten 2020

Top Ten Games I Played in 2020 – #6 and #5

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single […]

Top Ten 2020

Top 10 Games I Played in 2020 – #8 and #7

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single […]

Top Ten 2020

Top 10 Games I Played in 2020 – #10 and #9

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single […]

The Top Ten Games I Played In 2019

Here’s a list of the top ten games I played in 2019, ranked in approximate order of enjoyment (from least to most). Note that none of these games were actually […]

Harvest: Massive Encounter Review

Somebody gifted me a copy of Harvest: Massive Encounter back in July and I was so busy I forgot all about it. I just found it in my Steam Library a couple […]

Steaming Mad at Steam!

Dear Steam, I can’t help but love you. You’re so convenient. Your sales are so good (and frequent!). I can’t tell you how many games I’ve purchased for the 2nd […]