Posts Tagged ‘YouTube’

LD32 – Time Bomb

Time Bomb is a game made for the 72 hour game jam for Ludum Dare 32. The theme was “An Unconventional Weapon” for this jam. I was able to spend […]


Created for DonationCoder’s NANY 2015 challenge, Bomber is a simple prototype wherein you pilot an airplane as it makes multiple flybys over a city. Each time you pass by, your plane will […]

Fast Platform Switching in Unity Made Easier

The Problem Unity is a great tool for multi-platform game development. That said, it does have room for improvement. One of the really annoying things about Unity is that the […]

LD30 – Planetary Devourers

Planetary Devourers is a game made for the 72 hour game jam for Ludum Dare 30. The theme was “Connected Worlds” for this jam. The objective of the game is to get […]

LD29 – It Came From… Beneath!!

It Came From… Beneath!! is a game made for the 72 hour game jam for Ludum Dare 29. The theme was “Beneath the Surface” for this jam. The objective of the game is […]

Kings Meadow

This song is so beautiful to me. It’s called Kings Meadow and it can be found on Mogwai’s album titled The Hawk Is Howling.

Be Tiny, World!

Be Tiny, World! is a game that was originally made for the 72 hour game jam for Ludum Dare 23. The objective of the game is to shoot the planets, […]

Sturdy Up Your Heart

I really love this song. I’ve tried to teach you well, son, all of everything I knew of how to live this life: Be true. Don’t bow your head to no […]