Posts Tagged ‘2011’

Programming Theory – Predicting Turn Order

First of all, a disclaimer: I’m a bit embarrassed about writing this entry because I feel like this isn’t a hard problem so I should just know how to do […]

Harvest: Massive Encounter Review

Somebody gifted me a copy of Harvest: Massive Encounter back in July and I was so busy I forgot all about it. I just found it in my Steam Library a couple […]


Graphical User Interface

I couldn’t sleep, so instead I decided to work on my programming skills. More specifically, I learned how to make Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in Unity. I always had a […]

Sturdy Up Your Heart

I really love this song. I’ve tried to teach you well, son, all of everything I knew of how to live this life: Be true. Don’t bow your head to no […]

The Best Laid Plans Always Fail

It has been a while since my initial post in which I outlined my plan of going through a chapter per day on that C# book so I figured it […]

Steaming Mad at Steam!

Dear Steam, I can’t help but love you. You’re so convenient. Your sales are so good (and frequent!). I can’t tell you how many games I’ve purchased for the 2nd […]

Hello world!

First posts are almost always terrible. So let’s just get this out of the way. Update from the future: This is no longer the first post in this blog because […]