Posts Tagged ‘2020’

Top Ten 2020

Top Ten Games I Played in 2020 – #2 and #1

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single huge post […]

Top Ten 2020

Top Ten Games I Played in 2020 – #4 and #3

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single huge post […]

Top Ten 2020

Top Ten Games I Played in 2020 – #6 and #5

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single […]

Top Ten 2020

Top 10 Games I Played in 2020 – #8 and #7

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single […]

Top Ten 2020

Top 10 Games I Played in 2020 – #10 and #9

This post is a part of my Top 10 Games I played in 2020 list that I said I was breaking up into smaller parts to avoid having a single […]

Games Played in 2020

Last year I did a recap of the top ten games I played in 2019, and because verbosity is something that comes naturally to me, it was a very long […]

The End of Annual Maintenance Releases

When I first started doing maintenance releases three years ago, the plan was to do an annual update of my projects using the latest version of Unity to ensure my […]

NANY Maintenance Releases for 2020

Blast Off! (NANY 2013) and Bomber (NANY 2015) have just received maintenance release updates. Read more about Maintenance Releases here if you’re unsure of what they are. Both games were […]

February 2020

Throughout the course of January, and continuing to a lesser degree into February, I’ve been helping Roidz get his latest project, Buster Monkeys, ready for the launch of its public […]

The Top Ten Games I Played In 2019

Here’s a list of the top ten games I played in 2019, ranked in approximate order of enjoyment (from least to most). Note that none of these games were actually […]