Posts Tagged ‘Programming’

Fast Platform Switching in Unity Made Easier

The Problem Unity is a great tool for multi-platform game development. That said, it does have room for improvement. One of the really annoying things about Unity is that the […]

Tweeter: Making a Twitter Bot for Your Unity3D Games

After a few years of releasing games and updates for those games with very little-to-no feedback on them, it was easy to be under the impression that nobody was playing […]

Weekly Recap: March 17-23, 2013 in Review

This week we didn’t get as much accomplished as we had hoped. Roidz had a family emergency that has required his attention and obviously family takes precedence over time spent […]

Weekly Recap: March 10-16, 2013 in Review

I thought it would be fun to start posting a weekly status update of the things I’ve been working on. A lot of times there will be long periods of […]

Programming Theory – Predicting Turn Order

First of all, a disclaimer: I’m a bit embarrassed about writing this entry because I feel like this isn’t a hard problem so I should just know how to do […]


Graphical User Interface

I couldn’t sleep, so instead I decided to work on my programming skills. More specifically, I learned how to make Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in Unity. I always had a […]

The Best Laid Plans Always Fail

It has been a while since my initial post in which I outlined my plan of going through a chapter per day on that C# book so I figured it […]

Hello world!

First posts are almost always terrible. So let’s just get this out of the way. Update from the future: This is no longer the first post in this blog because […]