August and September Update
I’ve been trying to write at least one blog entry per month this year, and I missed August. Oops! August was a busy month for me. I spent about half […]
The blog of Deozaan
I’ve been trying to write at least one blog entry per month this year, and I missed August. Oops! August was a busy month for me. I spent about half […]
This month I’ve been pretty much entirely focused on the Cubiq beta launch and updates. It may be fairly quiet here on my personal blog as I continue to focus […]
I promised last time that when the Cubiq Beta was announced, I’d mention it here. Well, the beta officially launched over the weekend. Click here for more details. You can expect […]
This month has zoomed past, and July is upon us! Here is a summary of what I’ve worked on these past few weeks: I finally finished the conversion of the […]
This past month I’ve been working on a variety of things. I recently rediscovered some version control history visualization software called Gource, which I decided to try out on a […]
Cubiq — the game itself — is virtually finished. There’s only one stage left that still needs a little bit of work done to flesh out the background visuals. But other […]
In my last general update post, I mentioned that I was working on a project that seemed to be about 90%+ finished. That project is a game called Cubiq. I also […]
I realize it’s approaching half a year since the last time I posted anything on this blog. I’m not really sure how that happened. This silence should not be taken […]