Posts Tagged ‘2016’

Blasteroids v1.161220.14 Released

Blasteroids has been updated on as well as the Google Play Store. This is a relatively minor update but it does have a few important fixes for problems that […]

November Update

There isn’t a lot to report this month. I’ve been spending extra time with family, especially for the Thanksgiving holiday, and the upcoming holidays in December will also probably see […]

Blasteroids on the Windows Store

I realized I’ve mentioned twice that I was working on getting Blasteroids onto the Windows Store, but I failed both times to provide a link. So here it is: Blasteroids […]

Blasteroids v1.160928.13 Released

Blasteroids has been updated on as well as the Google Play Store. Wow! I can’t believe it has been 22 months since the last release to Blasteroids! In August […]

August and September Update

I’ve been trying to write at least one blog entry per month this year, and I missed August. Oops! August was a busy month for me. I spent about half […]

Cubiq on the Brain

This month I’ve been pretty much entirely focused on the Cubiq beta launch and updates. It may be fairly quiet here on my personal blog as I continue to focus […]

Cubiq Beta Details

I promised last time that when the Cubiq Beta was announced, I’d mention it here. Well, the beta officially launched over the weekend. Click here for more details. You can expect […]

Cutting it Close

This month has zoomed past, and July is upon us! Here is a summary of what I’ve worked on these past few weeks: I finally finished the conversion of the […]

Lots of Visuals

This past month I’ve been working on a variety of things. I recently rediscovered some version control history visualization software called Gource, which I decided to try out on a […]

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Cubiq — the game itself — is virtually finished. There’s only one stage left that still needs a little bit of work done to flesh out the background visuals. But other […]

It’s Hip to be Cubiq

In my last general update post, I mentioned that I was working on a project that seemed to be about 90%+ finished. That project is a game called Cubiq. I also […]

cInput 2.8.9 Released

Greetings! An update to cInput has been submitted to the Asset Store and the cInput website. If you bought cInput from the Asset Store then the update should be available within a few […]

cInput 2.8.8 Released

Greetings! An update to cInput has been submitted to the Asset Store and the cInput website. If you bought cInput from the Asset Store then the update should be available within a few […]

It’s quiet. Too quiet!

I realize it’s approaching half a year since the last time I posted anything on this blog. I’m not really sure how that happened. This silence should not be taken […]