Posts Tagged ‘Be Tiny World’

Ludum Dare Maintenance Releases

I just completed my first round of Maintenance Releases, starting with my Ludum Dare Games. As described previously, I intended these maintenance releases to be simple and quick updates taking […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.170812.19 Maintenance Release

Be Tiny, World! has been updated. As you may know due to the previous update to this game being nearly three years ago, this game is no longer in active […]

Lots of Visuals

This past month I’ve been working on a variety of things. I recently rediscovered some version control history visualization software called Gource, which I decided to try out on a […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.141107.17 Released

Be Tiny, World! has been updated. This is a relatively minor update. I noticed there was a grammatical error in one of the recent death tweets, so I decided to […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.140413.16 Released

Be Tiny, World! has been updated. It’s been a while since doing any work on Be Tiny, World! In fact, I had considered it a flawed, but complete game that […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.131112.15 Released

Be Tiny, World! has been updated. The following changes can be found in this update: Accuracy will no longer be calculated as being well above 100%. Screen orientation on Android […]

Be Tiny, World! now on!

The downloads for Be Tiny, World! are now hosted on where you can Pay What You Want (including $0) for the game. A handy widget to download the game […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.130921.14 Released

Be Tiny, World has been updated once again. This update includes the addition of a new Kid Mode which should make it easier for youngsters to play the game, more […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.130917.12 Released

Another update for Be Tiny, World! has been released. This update marks a significant improvement in the graphics of the game. It also fixes a problem with the distribution of the […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.130915.0 Released

An update has been released for Be Tiny, World! In fact it seems there have been a few updates which I neglected to announce. This version introduces achievements and leaderboards […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.130115.1 Released

It needed to be done. Be Tiny, World! was just too noisy! After so long, I’ve released an update to Be Tiny, World! for all platforms. Now you can enjoy […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.3 for Android

I’ve just rolled out some Android specific updates for Be Tiny, World! that should greatly improve performance. I also just realized that I forgot to mention v1.2 anywhere, and in […]

Be Tiny, World! v1.1 now on Android

I just released Be Tiny, World! on the Google Play store and while porting it to Android I made a few fixes and changes. Changes for v1.1 The most obvious […]

Be Tiny, World! Released

Here’s the short version: I spontaneously decided to join the Ludum Dare 72 Hour Game Jam this past weekend and I made a game called Be Tiny, World! I should have […]

Be Tiny, World!

Be Tiny, World! is a game that was originally made for the 72 hour game jam for Ludum Dare 23. The objective of the game is to shoot the planets, […]